Here we show a method for identification of ascorbic acid, which is a common vitamin sold on its own as well as in many dietary supplements. Depending on the degree of specificity required, this can be a simple peaks comparison or can incorporate other tests related to peak splitting and integral intensities. NMR spectra can be used to identify compounds. Using these peak positions and relative intensities, the compounds, mixtures and impurities in a sample can be identified or quantified. Sample concentrations and purities can be easily measured from known peaks once the proportionality constant is calibrated using a reference of known concentration. In other words, the peaks are a chemical signature and the sample concentration is proportional to the intensity of the NMR signal detected. The peaks in the spectrum will appear in predictable locations in the spectrum and their intensities will be proportional to the number of nuclei in the sample. These same properties result in NMR being excellent for quantification and identification. This is because the electronic structure, the bedrock of chemistry, is what determines the chemical shift, while the number of nuclei determine the coupling and relative intensities. The chemical structure of a small molecule dictates a rational spectrum. NMR is best known for its use in structure determination. Identification, Quantification (qNMR) and Mixture Analysis